Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vulva Love Lovely

Hey ladies!  I am so excited to be joining the Period Piece team!  To initiate my contributions I thought I'd share and interesting shop I found on Esty recently.  This artist makes pillows, accessories, soaps, sculptures, and more all based on lady parts.  She also makes custom portrait pieces (you have to send her three pictures of your vulva area) that are really cool.

Pink Orchid - Yonic Vagina Necklace, mature -- $58.00

I was interested in her reasons for making all things vagina-related.  If you read her bio, you'll see that she has turned her painful past into a celebration of her vagina.  I love that she used art as a way to prove her own beauty to herself, and that now she shares her talents and positivity with other women.
I also think it's great that she makes washable, cloth menstrual pads to promote economical, healthy, and environmentally friendly living.
Here's a link to her homepage:
There's a significant lack of love for the vagina, vulva, and menstruation and I think people like her are spreading a truly great message.


Kellie B said...

We're following her on Twitter as well. :)

kate said...

yay :) was going to post about this... i've been stalking her product feed for a while just waiting for the perfect one to buy. i might request one of the older ones from her Sold Items pages.


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